Monday 8 January 2007

New Years Eve 2006

hey guys! sorry about the delay in the posts.. i know how keen you all are to see my extra-ordinary writing ability.. enough of that!

new years eve was very quiet for me, as i had the joys involved with having a chest infection. and flu at the same time. i was actually scheduled to work untill 12 midnight on NYE, but piked early as i was sick/we were quiet (there was 4 people in the pub) so i celebrated the new year by sitting in bed eating a bacon sandwich. beleive it or not, but i was actually quite satisfied with my own company and the companionship of a bacon sarni. untill i ate it.. now that a whole new story!

boring yes, but i did work at 10 the next day which i was enthralled at, and i celebrated with the people on the street blowing trumpets, hooters and what ever they can get a hold of to blow. thanks london for givin me a total of 5 hours sleep.. cheers! (bastards..)

well, i thank the people who actually take time out to write on my blog.. and for the rest of you stop reading now and leave! or keep reading, and leave a post.. or keep reading and dont leave a post.. your choice..

i hope all had a good new years, and had one or 5 drinks for me.

"the one they call michael.."

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