Tuesday 19 December 2006

A good quote for you..

With thanks to Wayne for this one, i thought it was something to think about.. im going to copy and paste the whole thing that he wrote, so you can all give me credit for writing something cool.. :P

"well, they say experience is what you get... just after you needed it"

when i say 'they' i mean someone that isnt me, but i remembered the cool bit, so thought i would share it with you

i only really thought of this because of the hindsight thingy, but look at it this way, you could have done that sort of thing to yourself here before you left, just so you could do that, or you could go over there and learn on the fly..

And there is a second one, again, from Wayne, which i rather Fancy. (the quote, not Wayne..)

"If you can keep your head while everyone around you is losing theirs, maybe you don't understand the situation"

Enjoy.. and once again.. thanks Wayne..

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