Monday, 18 December 2006

The 'Spitting Cobra' :P

Just a little blog today guys.. about my little experience with a pom at a bus stop... and its nothing like that!

After work, the honourable Steve and yours truly went to a little place called Tesco's..which isnt that small.. but it is a supermarket, similar to Safeway. anyway.. we had finished our shopping, and sat down at the bus stop which was also occupied by a little old drunkard english lady.. must have been 45-50.. and absolutley drunk as a skunk.. i should have known better than to sit next to her...

She stated that she was kicked out of Tesco's, and, being the helpfull person i am, i suggest she should shop at Sainsburies.. another supermarket.. she didnt like that much, and she got quite angry... again, should have walked away..

she started yelling.. and said she lived in West London...(whoop-te-do! but, being me i didnt know where that was..) i explained that i didnt know where that was.. saying that i was from australia..

she then, like pauline hanson, told me to come back where i came from.. called me a crazy git.. (yes josh, i successfully got called a git without getting punched, as that was our goal from our last UK trip) and promptly spat at me..

not to much of a problem.. but i was in the closest proximity to this flying bodily fluid.. and it actually hit me.. ON THE FACE!!!

thats right.. i got called a crazy git.. and got spat on.. fun for me..

sitting in a state of disbelief for about 10 mins.... which was better and safer for me.. as i probably could have added her to the ipswich prostitute murder list...

so i went home, showered and ate my dinner..

but, that is my story. hope you entralled/disgusted!

Note to self: let steve sit next to crazy lady at bus stop next time...

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