Thursday 7 December 2006

Notre Dame/St. Michels

Me and Steve in Paris, and at Notre Dame to be specific. Awesome place to be..

Im not to sure on how to play around with the layout of the blog yet.. so i'll write more soon.. i'll also throw the Eiffel tower Pics in next blog i do!
Anyway, Notre Dame was fantastic. It gave you the cathedral feel, but there was something eerie about it.. maybe just the name being Notre Dame, but inside was awesome. The standard high ceilings, pipe organ, and mass services that were still running. Unfortunatley didnt get to attend, but the thoughts were there. The only down part of it is that, like all of Paris, it was dirty. They had been doing works on it, and it looked like that couldnt be bollocksed finsihing them.. but look past that, and you have quite the view of an old school cathedral!

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